Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Year "2012"

People are making predictions about the year 2012.Expert claim that these are reason that 2012 could be the end of time. The Reasons are Mayan calendar, Sun storms, the atom smasher; The Bible says it, and a Super volcano. I believe the world is headed to destruction and people should be more prepare and alert. The earth is undergoing a lot of problems like global warming, more natural disaster, ect. As a Christian I think we are closer to the end, but do not know if the year 2012 is the end of the world. Nostradamus also believed that castrophe would happen and the year 2012.He said the world would lead to destruction by 2012 like the changes of climate, economy, and an increase of evil in the world. If all this is true how do we prepare for it? What can we to do to prevent these events from happening? Nothing so everyone need to enjoy life for what it is and just pray about it.

1 comment:

  1. I have a hard time believing these stories. it wouldn't be the first time that they say that the end of the world is coming. i remember been scared on the year 1999 because they said that on 2000 the world was going to end and we are still here. But I do agree with the fact that we need to enjoy life, do the right things and be in good terms with God.
